We study the international knowledge base, we research and apply effective strategies for the development and implementation of pilot projects for the resilient development of human, society, country, systems and management
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May 3 - 5, 2021
The Department of Public Policy and Political Analysis of the National Academy of Public
Administration under the President of Ukraine invites scientists to participate in the annual
scientific events of the Ukrainian School of Archetypes (USA): International Theoretical and Methodological Seminar and the International Competition for Young Scientists IX on the topic: Imaginary, Archetypes and Public Administration.
The role of national stability in the process of effective formation of public administration
Report by Marina Bilynska on the topic: "The role of national sustainability in the process of effective formation of public administration"
World practice of integration of veterans into peaceful life
On April 24, 2018, Maryna Bilynska took part in the international conference "VETS: world practices of integration of veterans into peaceful life". During the meeting, the speakers discussed issues of medical rehabilitation and mental health of veterans, family support and social integration. International experts shared their experience in ensuring the "transition" of servicemen to the status of veterans, as well as told how to establish professional employment after returning from the army and their professional growth
Relevance and current state of research on the problem of national stability in Ukraine
Today, the scale of manifestations of the world's existing threats: from daily man-made disasters, economic and social crises, epidemiological threats, cyberattacks and terrorist acts to natural disasters, climate change can not be underestimated.